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Prices and ordering
Pay by card directly on a highly secure Stripe payment page, then we will set up your download and keycode (in UK business hours).
There is no VAT.

See below for Upgrades
All licences are permanent Price* Individual Local Installations  
Easy 2020 Easy £299 One installation of the point-and-click anthropometry software, in its simplest form. Buy 1 copy>>
Stripe secure payment >>
Pro2020 Professional £799 Extra power for more accuracy, when you are designing something of significant value. Includes complex user groups and multi-dimension fit... Professional Features Buy 1 copy >>
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  Price* Network Installations  
EasyEasy Network 1 concurrent instance £699 Run one instance from a server installation, on any workstation on the local WiFi network (LAN).
Extra instances £199 each (ask for a payment page)
Buy 1 Network install >> Stripe secure payment >>
ProPro Network 1 concurrent instance £1799 Run one instance from a server installation, on any workstation on the local WiFi network (LAN)
Extra instances £77 each (ask for a payment page)
Buy 1 Network install >> Stripe secure payment >>
schoolSchool Licence
(pupils up to 18)

A permanent site licence providing unlimited instances within the school premises. This product is very heavily discounted in recognition of the limited budgets available to many schools. Note that a 'school' means a children's school teaching up to age 18. For a School meaning a section of a University, you need a Department Licence (see below). Buy School Easy >> Stripe secure payment >>
Buy School Pro >> Stripe secure payment >>
department University / College Department Licence £2499

A permanent site licence, providing unlimited instances of the Professional version, within a university or college department. This is a heavily discounted product aimed at teaching ergonomics and anthropometry in design. Buy Department Licence  >> Stripe secure payment >>
  Price* UPGRADES  
2020 Easy from 2008 £199 Upgrade PeopleSize 2008 Easy to 2020 Easy, single installation Upgrade Easy >> Stripe secure payment >>
2020 Easy Network from 2008 £466 Upgrade PeopleSize 2008 Easy to 2020 Easy Network Upgrade to Easy Network >> Stripe secure payment >>
2020 Pro from 2008 £533 Upgrade PeopleSize 2008 Pro to 2020 Pro, single installation Upgrade Pro>> Stripe secure payment >>
2020 Pro Network from 2008 £1199 Upgrade PeopleSize 2008 Pro to 2020 Network Upgrade to Pro Network >> Stripe secure payment >>
multiple Multiple licences -50%

A second instance within the same site is discounted by 50%; a third and any subsequent instances are discounted by 75%. (If your organisation has more than one site, each site is treated as a separate customer)

You can ask for a quote or just calculate and pay, we will send you your licensing and download link.

Contact >>
Other   For other options such as multiple upgrades, please contact us: Contact >>

PeopleSize is tax free.

We don't offer specific support for resellers, but you can buy on behalf of any end user, see the payment page after selecting the required version.  You can Forward the downloaded file and details as required.

60-day money-back Guarantee

If you are buying as an established registered organisation such as a company, partnership or school, with accounts filed, you can try PeopleSize without risk: for 60 days you have the option to send it back and have all your money refunded. The offer applies to however many copies you buy.

The only conditions are that you must have paid (i.e. there is a budget; it is not a trial), not taken a significant benefit or made a false statement, and that we receive a letter signed by a Director (or Head of School) promising that no copies have been retained or released.  By Director we mean a member of the Board of Directors, so registered with the national authority and with legal responsibility for the organisation.

This allows you to try the program on your own computer and in your own time, before making a final commitment.


The Terms under which PeopleSize is used are defined by the End User Licence Agreement, which will be accepted on installation.